sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013
Movie review: Copperhead
Hello again! last weekend i have take some time to see the last one of the civil war trilogy of movies, Copperhead. the basic synopsis is the life of Abner Beech, an nothern democrat and copperhead, who dont support the civil war, and the problem of his family when his son falls in love with a unionist daughter and decides to join the Union and go to war.
The movie is nice, without action and so, being a good war drama, who shows the hardships of those in the north during the war, specially those who are aganist the war and was democrats.
Viewing the movie you see that the republican party is nothing more a liberal party, and the democrat, liberal too, but, with more reason and conservatism, today some say that the roles have swicthed, but, the republican party still is a shit, with some good folks in it, and the democrats have run liberal in the XX century, but suporting either today is a mistake for anyone.
It´s a new movie, from this year, and very good for those who like civil war, confederacy and dramas, nice images, nice sound, nice acting, better than most of the "main stream" movies you see these days, so, i fiercly recommend that one, in it´s 2 hours of running, it dont make me bored even one second. you can buy to see it on amazon here
sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013
My Top 10 Pc games.
Hello my readers, today i will make a little top 10 on my favorite pc games, the ones that for me are the best and i have the best memories from, maybe some of you will recall some of the games from your own past.
And, i will only talk about Pc games, not consoles and so, someday i made one about console games i like.
10. World of Tanks
And, i will only talk about Pc games, not consoles and so, someday i made one about console games i like.
10. World of Tanks
![]() |
My brand new Tiger P |
Yes, in tenth is the WoT, for some maybe look strange for me putting WoT only in tenth, but i can explain myself. WoT is a fun game i know, and i had some nice times with my very good clan, the Division Azul, and technically, i dont stopped playing it, but given some time because of College and so, and being quite fed up in the moment.
It´s a nice online tank battle game, it is very fun when you have friends to play with and you are quite good, but, as any other online battle games for me, after some times i grow bored of dont having missions and goals in the game, making it for a little boring after some time, but i will not stop playing it, in special because of the clan, and because it is a good pass time and a you can play it even when you have a little time to play.
For the ones who want to play this game, you can go to their page: http://worldoftanks.com/ register and download the game, i surely recommend this game, it's fun and one of the better online games of the genre, so give it a try!
And better, it´s free, okay, you need some cash to buy gold tanks, some itens and so, but, you can play a lot without spending a penny on this game.
quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013
We are at war.
We stand now, at the precipe, the world we know threatens to crumble, to topple into the sea of lawlessness that ruled us all for two hundred years, my dear readers, the world is at the brink of war.
Even as i speak this words, fearless Syrian soldiers are fortfying their positions on the Grear Arab republic, bracing for the inevitable assault. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in their arrogance, has blamed the chemical attack on Assad, They will steal Syria's freedom, steal the Christian security.
It's only a matter of time for the invasors march on the arab republic and attempt to take it by force. Let Them Come! wave upon, traitorous wave will crash com the Syria walls, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will fail, all who oppose Syria will fail. I am President Bashar El-Assad and this is my pledge, no one, no one will take this great nation away from me, God Bless the Baath Party, God Bless Syria.
(for those who dont get it, it is a parody on one of Fallout 3 enclave president John Henry Eden, as seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnmIiXygUxc)
Even as i speak this words, fearless Syrian soldiers are fortfying their positions on the Grear Arab republic, bracing for the inevitable assault. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in their arrogance, has blamed the chemical attack on Assad, They will steal Syria's freedom, steal the Christian security.
It's only a matter of time for the invasors march on the arab republic and attempt to take it by force. Let Them Come! wave upon, traitorous wave will crash com the Syria walls, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will fail, all who oppose Syria will fail. I am President Bashar El-Assad and this is my pledge, no one, no one will take this great nation away from me, God Bless the Baath Party, God Bless Syria.
(for those who dont get it, it is a parody on one of Fallout 3 enclave president John Henry Eden, as seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnmIiXygUxc)
sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013
Médicos cubanos e o regime castrista
Por Rafael C. Gomes
Ola meus leitores, me desculpem postar em português hoje, mas como é um assunto nacional de certa urgência, eu me sinto no dever de escrever algo em minha língua materna sobre.
A seguinte noticia passa algo alarmante para nós brasileiros, tão explorados por meio dos impostos abusivos, tendo de pagar para o governo cubano recursos nossos para termos médicos, não pagar ao médico, mas ao governo Cubano:
Ola meus leitores, me desculpem postar em português hoje, mas como é um assunto nacional de certa urgência, eu me sinto no dever de escrever algo em minha língua materna sobre.
A seguinte noticia passa algo alarmante para nós brasileiros, tão explorados por meio dos impostos abusivos, tendo de pagar para o governo cubano recursos nossos para termos médicos, não pagar ao médico, mas ao governo Cubano:
"Apesar da medida ter sido anunciada recentemente, os médicos cubanos que serão importados para o Brasil já estavam se preparando há muito tempo. Nesta segunda-feira (26), 460 deles desembarcarão no país com malas prontas e passaportes emitidos. A novidade, entretanto, é a divulgação do sistema de remuneração, que irá repassar ao governo cubano 70% do salário pago pelo Brasil.
"Há muito tempo já estava decidida a importação. O dinheiro vai todo para a ditadura cubana. Aliás, todo não. São R$10 mil reais por médico. R$700 ficam com o médico. R$2,3 mil vão para a família do médico em Cuba e R$7 mil serão enviados para a ditadura cubana. Em três anos, o Brasil vai pagar R$1,5 bilhão para Cuba", criticou o jornalista Alexandre Garcia durante comentário para a Rádio Metrópole.
"Quatro mil médicos estavam em estoque, como mercadoria de exportação, esperando o embarque?", questionou Garcia.. "
O que vemos? vemos o governo Brasileiro "contratando" 4 mil medicos cubanos que não receberam seus salários, receberam uma miseria de 700 reais, quase o nosso salário minimo, e mais a familia deles em Cuba 2300 reais, totalizando 3 mil reais ao médico, um salário bem baixo considerando a profissão, porém, o pior ainda esta por vir, pagaremos 7 mil reais por médico ao governo cubano, isto mesmo, 7 mil reais para financiar um regime comunista ditatorial que acaba com toda liberdade de seu povo e não permite a eles a minma qualidade de vida.
E por que? não podemos formar nossos médicos? esse dinheiro não seria melhor aplicado com medicos daqui? mantendo essas divisas em nosso território e investindo em melhor infraestrutura médica tão necessária em nosso Brasil? mas não, enviaremos 1,5 bilhão de reais ao regime cubano em 3 anos, tudo para ter 4 mil medicos ruins e sem validação em nosso país, sendo que tal dinheiro poderia contratar novos medicos Brasileiros, ou ser revertido em investimento na saúde.
Mas esse é o Brasil, terra de tolos, aonde o que vale é a propaganda, e também levanto a questão, aonde estão os socialistas do PSTU, do PSOL que tanto dizem defender o direito das pessoas para defender esses medicos cubanos dessa escravidão para o grande patrão de cuba? estão calados como bons covardes que são, pois Cuba é aliada deles, Cuba é o que eles querem nos tornar, uma tosca ditadura centralista aonde o estado comanda cada detalhe da sociedade, é isso que vocês querem para o Brasil? é isso Brasileiros? não caiam nas conversas do PT, do PSTU, do PSOL, PV e outros partidos esquerdistas que querem destruir nosso país, essa notícia é uma prova clara disto, de que estes são gandes inimigos da Pátria!
quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013
Chemical Attacks in Syria, a rebel plot?
By Rafael C. Gomes
Last days we all see in the mainstream media that in Damascus outskirts suffered an chemical attack, most of the media blamed Bashar Al-Assad regime for the attack, but, it looks like bullshit.
But why it looks like Bullshit? simple, Assad is winning the war, the rebel is losing it´s power and control of Syria, and the Assad regime's would not be benefited by such disastrous attack, the only proffiteers of this plot are the rebels, who, if they really blame the Syrian goverment, can be gifted with a western military intervention on their side, so why Assad would have attack if it only would be bad for him?
If we look into the past of the Syrian history, we see that the Assad regime is a benevolent regime, a dictatorship (yes, but read my article about democracy here http://ridingaraid.blogspot.com.br/2013/08/democracy-opinions-by-monarchist.html) but with far less persecution, goverment opression and so, and near total religious freedom, something rare in the islamic middle east.
But, if we look at the rebels, what do we see? the so called islamic brotherhood and their allies, a bunch of fundamentalist islamists who want to enforce their Sharia law over Syria and erradicate any Christians living in their lands. If we take the civil war, a lot of war crimes were made by the rebels, killing of christans are widespread in rebel held territories, some bishops were kidnapped and killed, a catholic priest was beheaded and it is only the tip of the iceberg, so we think, we, christians, catholics, orthodox and so, who we should support? the fairly benevolent, christian protecting alawite authoritarian regime of Bashar Al-Assad or the radical islamist rebels who kill our brothers in faith? well, we both know the answer dont we?
Going back in the issue of Chemical attack, i cant prove that the Assad regime dont make it, but, the reason and the background all show that the attackers where the rebels, to blame the assad regime and frame then in a western intervention.
Maybe with the Western intervention, we must see what Putin Russia will do, if it will protect their allie and the truth or back down, it is a dangerous situation who can escalate quite quickly, so, let´s be awake a aware of what is happening around us.
But why it looks like Bullshit? simple, Assad is winning the war, the rebel is losing it´s power and control of Syria, and the Assad regime's would not be benefited by such disastrous attack, the only proffiteers of this plot are the rebels, who, if they really blame the Syrian goverment, can be gifted with a western military intervention on their side, so why Assad would have attack if it only would be bad for him?
If we look into the past of the Syrian history, we see that the Assad regime is a benevolent regime, a dictatorship (yes, but read my article about democracy here http://ridingaraid.blogspot.com.br/2013/08/democracy-opinions-by-monarchist.html) but with far less persecution, goverment opression and so, and near total religious freedom, something rare in the islamic middle east.
But, if we look at the rebels, what do we see? the so called islamic brotherhood and their allies, a bunch of fundamentalist islamists who want to enforce their Sharia law over Syria and erradicate any Christians living in their lands. If we take the civil war, a lot of war crimes were made by the rebels, killing of christans are widespread in rebel held territories, some bishops were kidnapped and killed, a catholic priest was beheaded and it is only the tip of the iceberg, so we think, we, christians, catholics, orthodox and so, who we should support? the fairly benevolent, christian protecting alawite authoritarian regime of Bashar Al-Assad or the radical islamist rebels who kill our brothers in faith? well, we both know the answer dont we?
Going back in the issue of Chemical attack, i cant prove that the Assad regime dont make it, but, the reason and the background all show that the attackers where the rebels, to blame the assad regime and frame then in a western intervention.
Maybe with the Western intervention, we must see what Putin Russia will do, if it will protect their allie and the truth or back down, it is a dangerous situation who can escalate quite quickly, so, let´s be awake a aware of what is happening around us.
segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013
Russia, Putin and Demography.
By Rafael C. Gomes
Since the fall of the ill-fated Soviet Union, Russia have suffered a large population drop by the high tax of deaths and the dropping fertility rate of the population, resulting in a demographics crisis who was threatening the Russian economy.
Several factors contributed for this fall, the dropping of the life standards after the Soviet Union fall, because the economy shrinked and so the quality of life, but, together with that is the low moral standards of a communist society, and it's main aspect, Abortion, the Abortion rates are high in Russia, even today, and makes up a big part of it´s demographic drop, more than a million of children are killed in their mothers wombs in Russia, but this number is falling since the Putin goverment started.
In 2012 the Demographic plunge in Russia has reverted and they had a small, but, a growth in Population, thanks for the rising of the birth rate and falling of the death rate, and one of the main aspects of this reversion is the falling number of the abortion rate in Russia, some sources say that in the last year 300 thousands abortions were avoided, this because of the goverment efforts to make abortion low and revert the abortion laws of Russia (who recently make abortion more restrict, from a "free for all" to a 12-week limit abortion law, walking towards a future prohibition), so we see that Russia is making what the western world not, trying and winning the fight against the abortion cancer.
But let's see the demographics, in 2011 the Russian Population accounted 142,960,908 people, in 2012, the population have gone to 143,213,095 people, in a 300000 growth, and the abortion rates in 2011 was 1,124,880, and in 2012 was 1,070,980, still a enormous number, but less than the last year, and if we take the number from the Putin take of office, 2000, it was in 2,138,800, so you see that the number of abortions was cut in half, by the economic growth of Russia and the pro-life Russian goverment policies.
We see some news today attacking Russia goverment for being "anachronic", "homophobic" and so, but it's only to attack one of the few countries in the world that the goverment defend the moral, the christian moral, and strives to defend fellow christians from persecutions.
It's not a perfect goverment, corruption is rampant, abortion is still legal even with this drops on the numbers, still allied with the abortionist christian persecutioning Communist China and some other problems, but, the tendency shows that Putin Tries to put Russia in the Right side, so, let's pray that his goverment keep going right and take the needed steps to the right side.
Since the fall of the ill-fated Soviet Union, Russia have suffered a large population drop by the high tax of deaths and the dropping fertility rate of the population, resulting in a demographics crisis who was threatening the Russian economy.
Several factors contributed for this fall, the dropping of the life standards after the Soviet Union fall, because the economy shrinked and so the quality of life, but, together with that is the low moral standards of a communist society, and it's main aspect, Abortion, the Abortion rates are high in Russia, even today, and makes up a big part of it´s demographic drop, more than a million of children are killed in their mothers wombs in Russia, but this number is falling since the Putin goverment started.
In 2012 the Demographic plunge in Russia has reverted and they had a small, but, a growth in Population, thanks for the rising of the birth rate and falling of the death rate, and one of the main aspects of this reversion is the falling number of the abortion rate in Russia, some sources say that in the last year 300 thousands abortions were avoided, this because of the goverment efforts to make abortion low and revert the abortion laws of Russia (who recently make abortion more restrict, from a "free for all" to a 12-week limit abortion law, walking towards a future prohibition), so we see that Russia is making what the western world not, trying and winning the fight against the abortion cancer.
But let's see the demographics, in 2011 the Russian Population accounted 142,960,908 people, in 2012, the population have gone to 143,213,095 people, in a 300000 growth, and the abortion rates in 2011 was 1,124,880, and in 2012 was 1,070,980, still a enormous number, but less than the last year, and if we take the number from the Putin take of office, 2000, it was in 2,138,800, so you see that the number of abortions was cut in half, by the economic growth of Russia and the pro-life Russian goverment policies.
We see some news today attacking Russia goverment for being "anachronic", "homophobic" and so, but it's only to attack one of the few countries in the world that the goverment defend the moral, the christian moral, and strives to defend fellow christians from persecutions.
It's not a perfect goverment, corruption is rampant, abortion is still legal even with this drops on the numbers, still allied with the abortionist christian persecutioning Communist China and some other problems, but, the tendency shows that Putin Tries to put Russia in the Right side, so, let's pray that his goverment keep going right and take the needed steps to the right side.
sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013
Series Review - Under The Dome
Good night my readers! today i will talk about a series that i discovered last month and it is surprising me with the good story and nice acting.
In general, the series story revolves aroung the "under the dome" novel from the great terror writer Stephen King, the Plot is about a small city, Chester's Mill, who is without warning surrounded by a impregnable dome, who dont let anything go in or out it´s borders, and ,as the series says "none of it's secrets will remain covered" so the story revolves into the story of the survivors inside the dome.
The main characters are Barbie (Michael Vogel), Julia Shuwnway (Rachelle Lefevre), Linda Esquivel (Natalie Martinez) , Joe Mcalister (Colin Ford), Norrie (Mackenzie Lintz) and Big Jim Rennie (Dean Norris).
Before the dome has fallen, Barbie killed Julia husband by a casino debt, and after that he buried it secretly in the area, and, when he was leaving the city the dome has fallen, trapping him inside, and she become fond and friend of Julia, ironically, and later in the series they start to have an affair.
Big Jim have a drug racket in the town, as i know until now, with the help of Duke, the police sheriff, and the city preacher, Big Jim is like the city mayor, and they try to keep this secret, as they produced drugs to sell to other places and not into their city.
And Norrie, the daugther of a medic and Joe starts to met after she is trapped too, and the story put they into a main position on the plot.
But i will stop here, dont wanting to Spoil it for the readers, but, it is a good series, nice story, nice acting, as i said, and can be easy found on the internet, the following site, http://eztv.it/ is plenty of torrents of the series episodes, and subtitles are abundant.
So it is a good tv series that i recommend for everyone, and for further reading about it:
In general, the series story revolves aroung the "under the dome" novel from the great terror writer Stephen King, the Plot is about a small city, Chester's Mill, who is without warning surrounded by a impregnable dome, who dont let anything go in or out it´s borders, and ,as the series says "none of it's secrets will remain covered" so the story revolves into the story of the survivors inside the dome.
The main characters are Barbie (Michael Vogel), Julia Shuwnway (Rachelle Lefevre), Linda Esquivel (Natalie Martinez) , Joe Mcalister (Colin Ford), Norrie (Mackenzie Lintz) and Big Jim Rennie (Dean Norris).
Before the dome has fallen, Barbie killed Julia husband by a casino debt, and after that he buried it secretly in the area, and, when he was leaving the city the dome has fallen, trapping him inside, and she become fond and friend of Julia, ironically, and later in the series they start to have an affair.
Big Jim have a drug racket in the town, as i know until now, with the help of Duke, the police sheriff, and the city preacher, Big Jim is like the city mayor, and they try to keep this secret, as they produced drugs to sell to other places and not into their city.
And Norrie, the daugther of a medic and Joe starts to met after she is trapped too, and the story put they into a main position on the plot.
But i will stop here, dont wanting to Spoil it for the readers, but, it is a good series, nice story, nice acting, as i said, and can be easy found on the internet, the following site, http://eztv.it/ is plenty of torrents of the series episodes, and subtitles are abundant.
So it is a good tv series that i recommend for everyone, and for further reading about it:
terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013
Pre-industrial workers had a shorter workweek than today's
from The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure, by Juliet B. Schor
The labouring man will take his rest long in the morning; a good piece of the day is spent afore he come at his work; then he must have his breakfast, though he have not earned it at his accustomed hour, or else there is grudging and murmuring; when the clock smiteth, he will cast down his burden in the midway, and whatsoever he is in hand with, he will leave it as it is, though many times it is marred afore he come again; he may not lose his meat, what danger soever the work is in. At noon he must have his sleeping time, then his bever in the afternoon, which spendeth a great part of the day; and when his hour cometh at night, at the first stroke of the clock he casteth down his tools, leaveth his work, in what need or case soever the work standeth. -James Pilkington, Bishop of Durham, ca. 1570 |
One of capitalism's most durable myths is that it has reduced human toil. This myth is typically defended by a comparison of the modern forty-hour week with its seventy- or eighty-hour counterpart in the nineteenth century. The implicit -- but rarely articulated -- assumption is that the eighty-hour standard has prevailed for centuries. The comparison conjures up the dreary life of medieval peasants, toiling steadily from dawn to dusk. We are asked to imagine the journeyman artisan in a cold, damp garret, rising even before the sun, laboring by candlelight late into the night.
segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013
The White genocide
Minority, a word that come on the mouth of the liberals whenever they talk about an african, an jew, an southeast asian, an indian or an arab, but, truth be told, are they the real minority in the world?
Demographically, the white (caucasian) population in the world is not more than 9% of the total worlds population, and it is getting lower and lower by those multiculturalism policies, so, what is happening?.
A white genocide, when the liberals take the white countries like the european countries and american countries, they defend with all their power that the whites must tolerate the advancement of the non-white population, and must tolerate all their culture and keep making interracial marriages with then, but why it is so bad?
Because it is killing the white people! we are already the minority in the world, and with the arab invasion of europe and so, we tend to see our white strongholds to become a arab mongrels area, seeing the real white race to disappear, it is a slow genocide, but soon we will be a even smaller minority, with our culture being crashed by the oriental/arab culture.
But some say "the whites rule the world, so they must have their power watered down!" but anyone stops to see why we ruled the world? because of our superior culture, the western culture based on the teachins of the Roman Catholic Church, who opened the doors of knowledge for the then pagan whites, who embraced the faith rejected by the Jews, in doing so, the church made tha basis of a superior culture in Europe, who developed science, faith, morals, politics, making us the major point in the whole world, even thought, as an example, the chinese had an older history and nation.
The muslim arabs had some closeness to our culture for some time, but have fallen behind after some centuries, becoming inferiors than us is science, economy and morals, so, if you see the XIX century and XX first half you see a arab world dominated by europeans nations, in Especial the French and the Britons, and they was not troublesome subjects, and they would remained like that if the liberals had not freed their countries after the World war II.
So let´s see, we are the small minority in the World, behind most of the other ethinics, we are dwindling, but they still call us 'majority" and try to force us to live with then, to mix our culture and blood with then, it will be the end of us, and we must defend ourselves, not because the other peoples are inferior, but because we must keep our richness ,culture and caracteristics as they want to keep theirs, it is a matter of respect, a matter of loving thyself and thy heritage, and fighting to defend our culture, and not racism and prejudice as those liberals tries to brand us who defend our white ethinic, so be it, marry with whites only, defend your faith and you ethinicy, and in most of all, our western culture.
Demographically, the white (caucasian) population in the world is not more than 9% of the total worlds population, and it is getting lower and lower by those multiculturalism policies, so, what is happening?.
A white genocide, when the liberals take the white countries like the european countries and american countries, they defend with all their power that the whites must tolerate the advancement of the non-white population, and must tolerate all their culture and keep making interracial marriages with then, but why it is so bad?
Because it is killing the white people! we are already the minority in the world, and with the arab invasion of europe and so, we tend to see our white strongholds to become a arab mongrels area, seeing the real white race to disappear, it is a slow genocide, but soon we will be a even smaller minority, with our culture being crashed by the oriental/arab culture.
But some say "the whites rule the world, so they must have their power watered down!" but anyone stops to see why we ruled the world? because of our superior culture, the western culture based on the teachins of the Roman Catholic Church, who opened the doors of knowledge for the then pagan whites, who embraced the faith rejected by the Jews, in doing so, the church made tha basis of a superior culture in Europe, who developed science, faith, morals, politics, making us the major point in the whole world, even thought, as an example, the chinese had an older history and nation.
The muslim arabs had some closeness to our culture for some time, but have fallen behind after some centuries, becoming inferiors than us is science, economy and morals, so, if you see the XIX century and XX first half you see a arab world dominated by europeans nations, in Especial the French and the Britons, and they was not troublesome subjects, and they would remained like that if the liberals had not freed their countries after the World war II.
So let´s see, we are the small minority in the World, behind most of the other ethinics, we are dwindling, but they still call us 'majority" and try to force us to live with then, to mix our culture and blood with then, it will be the end of us, and we must defend ourselves, not because the other peoples are inferior, but because we must keep our richness ,culture and caracteristics as they want to keep theirs, it is a matter of respect, a matter of loving thyself and thy heritage, and fighting to defend our culture, and not racism and prejudice as those liberals tries to brand us who defend our white ethinic, so be it, marry with whites only, defend your faith and you ethinicy, and in most of all, our western culture.
sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013
Democracy - Thoughts of a monarchist.
Democracy, the word of the new world, everyone today, or most of the people, supports or lives under a democracy, lives with votes, choosing representatives, electing presidents, mayors, governors, and so, most of the people cannot seen it´s life without this system, but, is it really good for us? is it really good for the world? what of good the democracy have introduced in our western society? so let´s talk a little about it.
At first, i am talking not about the old greek democracy or some forms of medieval democracy, i am talking about the modern liberal universal sufragge democracy.
This democracy have a principles problem, as a Catholic and a Monarchist, i can't abide a system that it based upon the concept of the "power comes from the people" because the Church and the old "Divine right" doctrine defends that the power comes from God, so the idea of a goverment formed by the powers of the people is a senseless nonsense, because no power come from the people.
Then we take the idea of voting, everyone casting it´s votes in a ballot, choosing each or another politician to be it´s leader, okay, it is a legimate form of choosing, but, in the liberal mindset, it is in this way because, as the power comes from the people, the people must choose it´s governors, and so, all must vote, in Brazil, where i live and been born, the vote is even mandatory, making it clear that 'all must vote' doctrine of the liberalism.
At first, i am talking not about the old greek democracy or some forms of medieval democracy, i am talking about the modern liberal universal sufragge democracy.
This democracy have a principles problem, as a Catholic and a Monarchist, i can't abide a system that it based upon the concept of the "power comes from the people" because the Church and the old "Divine right" doctrine defends that the power comes from God, so the idea of a goverment formed by the powers of the people is a senseless nonsense, because no power come from the people.
Then we take the idea of voting, everyone casting it´s votes in a ballot, choosing each or another politician to be it´s leader, okay, it is a legimate form of choosing, but, in the liberal mindset, it is in this way because, as the power comes from the people, the people must choose it´s governors, and so, all must vote, in Brazil, where i live and been born, the vote is even mandatory, making it clear that 'all must vote' doctrine of the liberalism.
The Walking Dead: The Game Review.
Hello Everybody! sorry for the long time without posting, i am quite busy in this last semester of College so i dont have much time to make my postings.
But Today i will make a little review of a game i finished playing yesterday, The Walking Dead: The Game:
Lee Everett, Protagonist |
I think most people know the Tv series and HQ " The Walking Dead", about a group of Survivors led by Rick Grimes in a World taken by a zombie outbreak, it is a nice series in TV, but i think the Third Season was bad in relation to the others, i hope the fourth will be better, the HQ are quite nice too, but i stopped reading it a long time ago.
But let´s go to the Game, the game is divided in 5 episodes, in a episodic graphic adventure, looks like a movie, but you can make some decisions who change somethings in the story, the basic controls are the mouse and the keyboard in The PC, for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 the controllers varies.
The game starts with Lee Everett, the protagonist and murder convict suffer an car accident when the policeman taking him to the prison for life sentence hit a zombie, then, to escape the zombies, he run into the house of Clementine, a little girl alone waiting for her parents to come back.
The game is very nice and with a catchy story, it is not much action or you can change much of it by actions, you see, it is quite linear, but you can make friendship with Kenny (a character, father of Duck and husband of Katjaa) and then he will help you in some situations, but some facts and some deaths cannot be avoieded.
As i said, the game is divided in 5 episodes, with the following names:
The Walking Dead,
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