And, i will only talk about Pc games, not consoles and so, someday i made one about console games i like.
10. World of Tanks
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My brand new Tiger P |
Yes, in tenth is the WoT, for some maybe look strange for me putting WoT only in tenth, but i can explain myself. WoT is a fun game i know, and i had some nice times with my very good clan, the Division Azul, and technically, i dont stopped playing it, but given some time because of College and so, and being quite fed up in the moment.
It´s a nice online tank battle game, it is very fun when you have friends to play with and you are quite good, but, as any other online battle games for me, after some times i grow bored of dont having missions and goals in the game, making it for a little boring after some time, but i will not stop playing it, in special because of the clan, and because it is a good pass time and a you can play it even when you have a little time to play.
For the ones who want to play this game, you can go to their page: register and download the game, i surely recommend this game, it's fun and one of the better online games of the genre, so give it a try!
And better, it´s free, okay, you need some cash to buy gold tanks, some itens and so, but, you can play a lot without spending a penny on this game.
9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
This world famous game is the basic of any pc gamer and some posers too, its a very fun game, you are a nigger who is a criminal and so, you do basically wrong things like steal cars and so, but anyway, it have a nice story, nice quests and nice acting from the voice characters, so for me it´s a very nice and good game, and somehow it become one of my favorites because you can enter to simple raise hell in San Andreas without much reason.
Nowadays i think most of actual computers can run this old game, and to be honest, i never have buyed, and i am a pirate, and i dont like to spend money on somethings (the only games i will spend money is the Paradox made one, and soon you will listen about then), for those who are pirates, it is easily found in the pirate bay or in the kick ass torrents.
8. Age of Empires
This smells childhood for me, it is here for one reason, it was the first pc game i have ever owned, and it introduced me to history (not much, as my father have done it with books and documentaries), it was my first strategy game, for my today standards it is quite arcade, but, it was fun and surely helped me to think better.
I think everyone know this game, it is a ancient history strategy game from microsoft from nineties, you played in some maps, gathered resources with your peasants, build things, made armies, waged war, it was all fun stuff.
I think today it is abandonware, some with some google search you will find it, but i dunno where you can download this good old game. and i still have the original CD
7. Tibia
YES! TIBIA, i don't care if it dont have sound, that it is a windowed game with shit graphics, it was my favorite game for like 6 years! i played a lot this little shit, and i loved it, today i cant play it, they changed a lot of things and, for now, i think it become a thing of my past, to be remembered, but not played again, because i dont want to spoil the good memories i have about this game ( like Schumacher made with his bullshit return to formula 1)For those who dont know, Tibia is a MMORPG, massive multiplayer online RPG, it is a medieval fantasy online game, it have a nearly unknow but good back story and give a lot of space for personal roleplay, and have a lot of good quests.
The game fave 4 "vocations": Knight, Paladin, Sorcered and Druid, druid is a healer and paladin an archer, the other two are what they are named.
If you wanna play this little game, you can go to their page,, register and play, it is free to play, but you can play premium and acess the good areas only for then, and have some special vocation upgrades and more spells.
6. Railroad Tycoon II
Another classic, and i dont talk about the third of the name, who is quite shitty, i talk about the first one, a more serious nicely made simulator of a railroad tycoon, i remember that i played this game a lot of time by day because i loved the way i could get money on it, learn, and have food with my plans of being the biggest tycoon on world.
One thing frustrated me thought, it dont have battles! i know that it sound stupid but in the time i was quite a warmonger pro-axis World war II fanatic, so, i wanted to see planes attacking my german trains and to fight back and help the reich, fun times!
Another old game, but i think it is easy to find, maybe this torrent works:
It is a real old game, but a very good one, have fun!
5. Victoria 2
The first but not the last Paradox Interactive game in the list, the sequel of the Victoria game, it is a grand strategy game that happens during the victorian era to the WWI, you can choose ANY nation of the time and play with it, and try to make whatever you wanna do with it, world conquest, richness, industry, nothing, you choose.
I know that some purists will look and say "why you dont choose vicky" it is because for me this one is better, it introduced some features that i dreamed for the Vicky 1, like the influence system, the improved pop and religion system and some other features.
I will not put a torrent link to a paradox game, if you wanna play it, buy it, you can find it here:
and i think on steam, i know, i dont buyed it, but when i take my international credit card on hands, i will.
4. Close Combat 5
The last one of the original Close Combat series, and my favorite, the 3 is good too, and i never played the 4, but the 5 was my favorite, the chance of winning the normandy for germany was my fuel, and i made it some times! it was very fun to plan and fight, it was a mix of "grand" strategy with real time tactic game, it is fun, it is nice, and it very realistic.
It is a old game so, you can find it only with ease, but maybe you can find some compatibilty issues, but still, it is a real deal game, the units, weapons and so are all realistic and tactics are very nice, representing well the soldiers in the war.
3. Warbirds 2.77 Free host
For me, the best online game i ever played, it was an free server made by some russians of the old flight simulator warbirds 2.77, it was a great game, i played it starting in 2003 to 2009, with gunitz as callsign (and this nickname i use everywhere up to this day).
Explaining briefly, it have a map who acted as a war map for a spawn of time, and there was the battles, you must achieve air superiority to destroy the enemy base and capture their base with parachuters, either from a li-2 or from a ju-52, flied axis (gold, the allies was red) and it was good times, i was a medium player, not great but not bad, good with bombers, Ju-88 specially, i was part of a squadron from a time, the COMAV, as the Bomb wing commander, i have some of my best memories of this time because of this game.
The community was very open and nice, with ease to make friends, some i still have up to this day, sadly, these days, even with the server still online, most of the players dont play it anymore, so, the servers are quite empty, but, the have set up a Il2 based one, i dont played it yet, someday i will give it a try.
if you wanna play, visit here: , or the Il-2 version i will give a try to it later.
2. Fallout 3
The well know Fallout series, the Fallout 3 is for me the most fun game in history, it have a nice first person play, with a incredible story for a game, some background reality, nice phisics and nice weapons, funny things, and you cant play it without immersing in the story, it is a great game.
The game is in an alternative future, 200 years after the great nuclear war, with the lone wanderer, and then the story goes, i prefer not tell more, play it, if you dont have played, and you will not being disapointed.
I love how you can do a lot of things in the game, but, i am sad because i cant support the Enclave, and it would be great! but i cant say i dont loved the game, i played day after day until finishing it first time, and i only had my mind for it, this game was incredible, and i still play it, i am trying to finish it again, i hope i can make it in the due time.
It is a easy to find game, i used this torrent[PC.Game.Final.Repack]-RELO
or you can buy in the following link!
Someday i will buy it, but, it is a good game, very good.
1. Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday
This game, for me, is the best game i have ever played, the first time i saw it, in 2006, i was stunned, it had all i ever wanted in a strategy game about the World War II, It let me produce, make industry, make weapons, research, make grand strategy, it was the first grand strategy game i played, and it was the best, how many times i entered in the "gotterdamerung" map (1944) with Germany trying to save the Third Reich! and i failed all times! or the nice game with Italy, or my crusade with Franco Spain which i conquered europe, and was fighting the commies, so much fun in one strategy game.
For the dummies who never heard of it, it is a real time strategy game, based in the World War II era, you can choose any country, even haiti, and make your way to win the war, or be a loner, or do wathever pleases you.
By this game i made some good friends, one i have even today who is constant presence in my life, and this game was my entrance door to the Paradox games and the incredible world of their grand strategy games, the best ones in the market.
And, the HoI 2 is better then than the 3, who was a failed mammot.
enjoy your day by playing the game on your computer . Friends share with your friends so that they also know about this game. IGG Games